Chief investigator: Shannyn Meloncelli and Gail Crimmins This project gathered the personal stories of mothers living with RA, specifically about their coping strategies relating to parenting, working, studying and maintaining friendships and relationships alongside managing their RA. Watch the video, and read the report and summary here. Chief investigators: Dr Ilana Ackerman, Associate Professor Andrew Briggs, Associate Professor Sharon van Doornum Women with RA face many challenges and decisions when negotiating the journey to parenthood. This is mainly due to the symptoms associated with RA and the potential side-effects of medications used to manage it. This research project: evaluated the published literature concerning self-management interventions that aimed to improve knowledge and skills in women regarding contraception, conception, pregnancy and/or breastfeeding; and conducted a Delphi study to develop important messages for women with RA concerning contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as identified by expert rheumatologists, obstetricians and pharmacists. Read the report and journal articles here.
Rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy and parenting
Explore and document coping strategies and support mechanisms employed by mothers with rheumatoid arthritis
Institutions: University of the Sunshine Coast and MOVE
Year: 2015Identifying effective interventions for improving knowledge and skills in women regarding contraception, conception, pregnancy and/or breastfeeding and developing cross-discipline consensus on important messages for Australian women with RA concerning contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Institutions: MOVE, University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital and Curtin University
Year: 2015