Karla Wignall

It’s all in the hands

It's all in the hands!  Hands…they tend to be two things we take for granted. They really do an awful…

3 months ago

Uni Life

This blog was written by Sass, a member of our Teen Talk group. So. You want to know what life…

7 months ago

What to expect when taking your child to physio

Our child has seen so many specialists and now they have been told to go to a kid's physio. Are you…

7 months ago

Spring cleaning – body, mind and spirit

Let’s take advantage of the warmer days and and look at how we can sweep away the winter cobwebs and…

10 months ago

What pain in the neck!

Neck pain is a common problem many of us will experience at least once in our lives. The good news…

10 months ago