Lisa Bywaters

Get your hands dirty

Gardening, pain and musculoskeletal conditions Gardening’s a wonderful way to get out in the fresh air and sunshine. It can…

9 months ago

Seven sleep tips for people in pain

You know what it’s like. It’s 3.00am and you’ve just woken up. Again. You glance at your clock and do…

9 months ago

A weed by any other name

Medicinal cannabis and you Marijuana, dope, pot, grass, weed, Mary Jane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, wacky tobaccy…they’re just some…

9 months ago

Visiting rheumatologist

If you’ve been experiencing persistent joint or muscle pain, stiffness and/or inflammation that you can’t explain (e.g. from a fall…

9 months ago

What is inflammation?

We talk about inflammation a lot. But what is it? What’s happening in your body when you have inflammation? Acute…

9 months ago

How much do you really know about your condition?

It occurred to me today that I really don’t understand as much about my condition as I should. I see…

9 months ago

Your guide to shoulder pain and how to treat it

I’ve never really thought about my shoulders. They’re just there. Useful for hanging a handbag on or supporting a heat…

11 months ago

Money, money, money

Not much has changed since ABBA sang in 1976 “All the things I could do, if I had a little…

11 months ago

Pharmacogenomics… huh???

Your genetics and personalised medicine You may have heard something about personalised medicine and the tongue twister – pharmacogenomics. But…

11 months ago

The importance of good oral health

Hate going to the dentist? You’re not alone. Many of us become anxious or worried about visiting the dentist. But…

12 months ago