
Iso aches and pains

Sore neck? Back? Knees? Feel like you’ve aged 20 years with all the niggles, twinges and outright pain you’re feeling…

5 years ago

When you have COVID but don’t know it

The silent spread of COVID-19 By now we’re all aware that some people with COVID-19 may never feel sick or…

5 years ago

COVID reflections from the MSK Help Line

As COVID-19 restrictions came into force at the end of March, life as a Musculoskeletal Help Line Nurse began to…

5 years ago

Saying goodbye to iso – easing restrictions

As we come to the end of May 2020, more and more restrictions are easing all over the country. And…

5 years ago

The hidden dangers of iso – home injuries

It’s a good thing iso is starting to ease around the country. Did you know people have been injuring themselves…

5 years ago

Treating COVID-19

Note: This blog was written in 2020, and so much has changed since then, including the availability of medications and…

5 years ago

New virus, new language

Have you noticed how many new words, acronyms and phrases have entered our vocabulary since rona arrived? We thought it…

5 years ago

Pain – persistent, chronic, always there

For many of us our pain is always there – sometimes in the background and at other times it’s very…

5 years ago

A pandemic can’t stop me volunteering!

Written by guest blogger Rosie Most of my adult life I’ve been fortunate to have been involved with not-for-profit organisations…

5 years ago

A vaccine for COVID-19

Just the shot in the arm we need? It’s seems crazy when you think about it, COVID-19 has had such…

5 years ago