mental health

When your condition affects your ability to enjoy life

13 strategies to get you through Living with a chronic musculoskeletal condition sucks. It may only suck occasionally, or it…

3 years ago

12 days of wellness

With Christmas and the festive season just around the corner, and a tough year almost behind us, it’s the perfect…

4 years ago

Do your research

...when it comes to complementary, alternative and ‘natural’ treatments Many Australians use complementary or alternative treatments to manage their health…

4 years ago

It’s OK

I’ve just taken a week off from work. I was struggling mentally and physically, so I decided it was important…

4 years ago

Musculoskeletal conditions and work – part 1

And things you can do to manage Finding and keeping a job when you have a musculoskeletal condition can be…

4 years ago

Musculoskeletal conditions and work – part 2

And things you can do to manage This blog was so full of info and strategies we had to split…

4 years ago

Spring cleaning – body, mind and spirit

Last issue we talked about spring cleaning our physical environment. There’s nothing like a thorough purge of your home or…

4 years ago

Exercise during the rona

I know, I know. We talk about exercise a lot. But as anyone with a musculoskeletal condition knows, exercise is…

4 years ago

I’m walking on sunshine

"Whooooa, and don’t it feel good!" Gotta love the eighties and music from bands like Katrina and the Waves, right?…

4 years ago

Taking control in these uncertain times

We’re used to having a certain amount of control and consistency in our lives. Before COVID our lives were fairly…

4 years ago