
Musculoskeletal conditions and work – part 2

And things you can do to manage This blog was so full of info and strategies we had to split…

4 years ago

Spring cleaning – body, mind and spirit

Last issue we talked about spring cleaning our physical environment. There’s nothing like a thorough purge of your home or…

4 years ago

Coping with flares

If you live with a musculoskeletal condition, chances are you’ve had a flare at some stage. Your body turns up…

4 years ago

Taking control in these uncertain times

We’re used to having a certain amount of control and consistency in our lives. Before COVID our lives were fairly…

4 years ago

Rediscovering small joys

This strange time we’re living through has forced us to live smaller. SARS-CoV-2 is going to hang around for quite…

4 years ago

Iso aches and pains

Sore neck? Back? Knees? Feel like you’ve aged 20 years with all the niggles, twinges and outright pain you’re feeling…

4 years ago

Why am I so tired?

Hands up if you’re feeling tired at the moment? Or if you’re too weary to raise your hand, just a…

4 years ago

Sick and tired of iso? Hang in there!

Have you noticed how many more people seem to be out and about – in the shops, on the road,…

4 years ago

Does your self-care plan need some TLC?

Updated July 2022 Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed and frustrated by 2022? You’re not alone! It’s been a bumpy ride. Filled…

4 years ago