
Make your life easier with aids, equipment and other gadgets

Do you find that at times you struggle with everyday tasks?

When you have a musculoskeletal condition, simple things like pulling on your shoes, opening jars, combing your hair or sitting for long periods can sometimes become difficult and painful.

The good news is there are a variety of aids, gadgets and other equipment available to help you manage. They can also help reduce stress on your muscles and joints, save energy, prevent fatigue and basically make your life easier.

There are gadgets that can help you with everything from cooking, cleaning, getting dressed, driving, gardening, using technology and working.

Some things – e.g. kitchen utensils or gardening tools with thick handles that are easier to hold– can be found in many of the stores we already shop at.

Other items need to be bought from specialty stores or pharmacies. Or you may be able to modify objects that you already own – e.g. if you have sore hands, foam tubing can be used to create an easier grip on your pens.

Because there are so many options, it’s helpful to speak with an occupational therapist (OT) to get specific information and advice.

OTs work in the public and private sectors. You can access them through public and private hospitals, community health centres, independent living centres and private practice.

As well as helping you with aids and equipment, OTs can help you learn better ways to do everyday activities to help you:

  • protect your joints
  • reduce the pain caused by doing certain activities
  • save energy.

They can also provide advice about pacing your day and activities so you can achieve a balance between activity and rest.

The important thing to keep in mind is that there are many aids and gadgets available that can make your life easier. You don’t have to struggle.

Talk with an OT today.

You can also contact our National Arthritis and Back Pain+ Help Line on 1800 263 265 and speak with a nurse for information about living well with a musculoskeletal condition. We’re here to help!


And calm that inner voice

We all talk to ourselves.

From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, that voice inside your head can influence how you feel, how you act and how you manage your pain.

This self-talk can be helpful and positive – ‘it’s a beautiful day and a gentle walk in the park will help me loosen up after sitting all day’; or negative and unhelpful – ‘everything hurts and if I go for a walk it’ll make things worse’.

Negative self-talk can affect how you see yourself, your life and your future. It’s that pessimistic, critical voice that focuses on the bad.

When you hear yourself say something negative ask yourself:

  • Am I keeping things in perspective?
  • What can I do to change the thing I’m feeling negative about?

Try and turn the negative around and put a positive and optimistic spin on it. It can be difficult, but it’s definitely worth the effort.

For example:

Negative – I’ve tried everything for my pain and nothing works
Positive – Mindfulness seemed to help a bit, I should give it another go and practise more often.


Stick post-it notes around you with positive, upbeat messages – e.g. ‘I look great today!’; ‘I control my pain, it doesn’t control me’; ’I enjoy exercise and it makes me feel good’.

If you wouldn’t say it to another person, don’t say it to yourself. We’re often kinder and have better perspective when we’re thinking of others.

Surround yourself with positive, happy people. If you have friends or acquaintances who are constantly negative or critical, that can affect how you feel. Talk with them about how their attitude makes you feel, or limit the time you spend with them.

Seek professional help if you’re struggling. Make an appointment to see a psychologist or counsellor. They can give you some strategies and tools to help.

By taking control of the negative voice in your head, and practising positive self-talk, you’ll feel much more upbeat, happy and feel like you can take on the world!

So grab some post-it notes, a pen, and start writing some encouraging and positive messages.


It really does.

When you live with persistent pain, it can sometimes feel like the world is flying by while you stay still…grappling with pain, anger, anxiety and frustration.

It’s important to acknowledge these feelings, and not ignore them or keep them bottled up. Talking honestly and openly with a family member, a close friend, or a health professional can help you move past this moment and get back to doing the things that you want to do.

But it’s not always easy.

There are often stumbling blocks and hurdles and barriers that get in your way. You’ll have your ups and downs, and sometimes you need to work really hard to keep moving. But the rewards are there.

Remember you don’t have to do it by yourself.

Apart from family, friends or a professional, consider getting in touch with a support group. They often meet in person, in local halls, cafes or someone’s home.

Or if that’s not for you, go online. There are so many forums available through websites and social media for you to get support, and in return provide it to others. There’s really nothing more valuable than connecting with others who know exactly how you feel, because they’re going through the same thing.

So reach out today. Talk with someone about how you feel. It’s ok, and it’s healthy to get it out in the open so you can deal with it. If you need help finding a group, contact us and we can help you find one.

“I’ve been helped by acts of kindness from strangers. That’s why we’re here, after all, to help others.” Carol Burnett


Have you had a massage lately? We often think of them as an indulgence, or something we get every now and again as a treat. However many people find that regular massages really helps them manage their pain.

Massage is a hands-on therapy that involves rubbing and manipulating the soft tissues of your body, especially your muscles. It can improve blood circulation, ease muscle tension and help you feel more relaxed. A massage can also help relieve stress and help you sleep.

You can relieve many of your own muscular aches and tension by giving yourself a massage. You may even find that you do it unconsciously – when you’re sitting at the computer and you rub your neck, when you have a headache and you gently rub your temples, or when you’re applying a heat rub to your sore knee.

Self-massage tips

Warm up first – ease some of your muscle tension with a warm shower or applying a heat pack (warm not hot) to the painful area.

Use smooth, firm strokes. You’ll feel the difference between strokes that are relieving muscle tension, and those that are adding to it. Adjust the pressure, from hard to gentle, based on your pain.

Add some massage oil (or lotion) – it can help your hands move smoothly over the skin, however, they aren’t essential; it’s a personal choice.

Use massage aids – you can use a foam roller, massage balls or other massage aids; e.g. use a tennis ball or a golf ball to massage the soles of the feet. Simply place the ball on the floor, place your bare foot on top of it and gently roll the ball along the length of your foot. If you’re unsteady on your feet, sit down while you do this. You can also use the shower to provide a massage, especially on your neck, shoulders and back.

Do it regularly – to prevent muscle pain and tension building up.

See a qualified massage therapist –they’ve been trained to know how your body works, how to relieve muscle tension and how to help relieve your pain. They can also get to the hard to reach places, and give you tips and advice on your self-massage techniques.

Massage is a fantastic and simple way to relieve muscle aches and pains. And when you give yourself a massage, you can do it almost anywhere, and it’s free! Try it next time you feel tense and sore.


Do you find yourself in your doctor’s office, trying to accurately answer questions about how you’ve been since your last visit? How you’ve been sleeping, how your symptoms have been, how often you’ve been exercising, or how many flares you’ve had?

When you try to remember, it’s very easy to get things wrong. Our memories aren’t always reliable, and can be influenced by many other factors including our emotions.

So to ensure you provide your doctor with an accurate reflection of how you’ve been between visits – so that your treatment plan is based on facts, not guesses or assumptions – keeping a record can be extremely useful. It’s a real-time record of how you’re going and will help you and your healthcare team track your progress.

Record any changes in your condition, the effectiveness of medications you’re taking, how you feel physically and mentally, and your pain and fatigue levels. You can record just the basic information – e.g. your daily pain levels and any medications you take.

Or you can add more information so that the picture is more complete – e.g. you might also record your diet and exercise program, your daily activities, as well as the quality of your sleep. It’s up to you.

Keeping a record helps you see the big picture – which can sometimes be hard to see when you go by memory alone.

To get started, you can use an ordinary notebook to write this information down or there are many apps and templates you can download and use.

So grab a notebook and start your own health record. Or visit the App Store or Google Play and download an app.

And next time you visit your doctor you’ll have an accurate record of how you’ve really been.


There’s nothing like this time of the year. It’s getting lighter and brighter. The weather is warming up and you can almost smell spring in the air! You just want to get out and about.

If your exercise routine has been hibernating over winter, spring is the perfect time to brush it off, get back into the swing of things, and get moving. It’s also a great time to add something new to your exercise regime.

Take a hikewalking is a great exercise that’s suitable for most people. You can adapt it to your specific needs and interests – e.g. a walk through your neighbourhood, Nordic walking (using special poles and technique that work your upper body), or walking in the bush and enjoying the smells and sights around you. If you find it difficult to find time to exercise, try breaking your walks up into smaller increments. If you can start with a 10 minute walk a few times during the day, it all adds up, and before you know it you’ve done 30 minutes of walking by the end of your day! Make sure you wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes for walking.

Makes some waves in the waterwater exercise is a gentle, soothing form of exercise. The water supports your body and the resistance provided by moving through water boosts muscle strength and endurance. The types of water exercise you can choose include: hydrotherapy (offered by physios as one-on-one sessions for individuals or in small groups), gentle water exercise classes at your local fitness or recreation centres or swimming laps at your local pool.

Try tai chi – it’s a low-impact, slow-motion exercise, with gentle movements. When doing tai chi, your muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, and your joints are not fully extended or bent. You can learn tai chi from books and DVDs, however most people find it easier to learn from a qualified instructor. Books and DVDs are useful to help you practise between classes.

Hit the dance floor – dancing is a fun, social form of exercise. It’s also a great way to meet new people. There are so many different styles of dancing you can try, from Latin to hip hop to ballroom to belly dancing to just shaking it all about your lounge room when a great song comes on the radio! Make sure you’re wearing shoes that are appropriate for the style of dancing you’re doing, start slowly, learn good technique and have a wonderful time!

Get on your bike – and get your blood pumping. Riding a bike can give you a good cardio workout, which’ll help improve the health of your heart and lungs (cardiovascular system). Cycling can also help improve your stamina, manage your weight and reduce your risk of developing other health problems (e.g. diabetes).

Practise Pilates – the slow, controlled movements of Pilates can help you improve your flexibility and strength. Ensure you see a qualified instructor who can teach you how to perform each exercise correctly and safely.

The important thing when you’re looking to start exercising or reinvigorate an exercise program is to find something you enjoy doing. You’re more likely to continue doing it, and reap all the health and social benefits that come from regular exercise. Exercise with your friends, join a team and just get out and move. And don’t forget to keep your doctor informed about what you’re doing.

musculoskeletal health australia

Musculoskeletal Health Australia (or MHA) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal conditions.

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