Do you have a musculoskeletal condition like arthritis, back pain or fibromyalgia and want to learn more about it?

Our free community webinars are a great way for you to hear from experts about these conditions and how to manage them. You’ll get practical, up-to-date information, knowledge and skills to help you manage your condition effectively.

What’s a webinar?

A webinar is an educational session that is presented over the internet. All you need to join a webinar is a computer with speakers and an internet connection. If you don’t have speakers on your computer, you can dial in via the phone to listen to the webinar while watching it on your computer.

We have also put together a short instructional video to assist you. Watch it now.


All webinars start at 7pm (AEST) and go for approximately 1 hour.

If you’re unsure if you’ll be able to view a webinar at the time of its screening, you can still register and you’ll receive a recording of the webinar within a week of its screening.


See each webinar for registration.

Registration deadline: Registrations for each webinar close at 3pm (AEST) that day.

Webinar topics


Musculoskeletal conditions and your employment rights 

Wednesday 10 March 2021, 7pm
As the symptoms of your condition develop, it can impact how you do a wide range of things including work. It is important to understand your rights in the workplace.
Presenter: Jessica Dawson-Field, Employment Associate, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
Register now for this free webinar 

Pregnancy and Arthritis 

Thursday 29 April 2021, 7pm
This webinar will afford you the opportunity to learn about some of the issues to consider when planning a family and how pregnancy can impact people living with arthritis. 
Presenter: Dr Claire BarrettConsultant Rheumatologist and Senior Lecturer University of Queensland 
Register now for this free webinar 

Diet and musculoskeletal conditions 

Wednesday 26 May 2021, 7pm
Professor Judi Porter discusses the importance of diet and nutrition in musculoskeletal conditions. 
Presenter: Prof Judi Porter PhDAccredited Practicing Dietician, FDAA Dietetics Discipline Lead IPAN 
Register now for this free webinar 

The doctor told me to exercise more to help my osteoarthritis. What does that mean and how can it help?

Wednesday 23 June 2021, 7pm
We discuss the importance of prescribed exercise and getting active to help manage knee osteoarthritis. A number of myths will be discussed and busted
Presenter: Dr Christian Barton Senior Research FellowLASEM Research Centre 
Register now for this free webinar 

Pain management and musculoskeletal conditions 

Tuesday 10 August 2021, 7pm
This webinar will include education about some of the complexities of how our pain system works. You will be provided with a range of strategies to help you reduce your pain, increase your activities and enjoy life more. 
Presenter: Dr Jacqui StanfordPsychologistEmpower Rehab 
Register now for this free webinar 

Inflammatory arthritis 

Wednesday 13 October 2021, 7pm
Do you have a type of inflammatory arthritis? The joint inflammation caused by these conditions can often be debilitating, affecting many joints throughout the body at the same time. Join us to learn about managing this group of conditions.
Presenter: Dr Marie FeletarRheumatologist 
Register now for this free webinar 

Hands and arthritis

Thursday 11 November 2021, 7pm
Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions that affect the hands can have a great impact on your daily activities and livelihood. We cover how to ease the pain and useful aids to help your everyday tasks
Presenter: Ms Josephine Gibbs-DwyerOccupational TherapistWorking Hands Therapy 
Register now for this free webinar 



Wednesday 26 February 2020, 7pm
Diagnosing and managing gout
Presenter: Dr Tina Racunica, Rheumatologist, Melbourne
Watch the recording of this webinar


Thursday 30 April 2020, 7pm
The role of mindfulness in managing your health
Presenter: Jo Dunin, Melbourne Centre for Mindfulness
Watch the recording of this webinar

Mental health

Thursday 14 May 2020, 7pm
Musculoskeletal conditions and your mental health
Presenter: Jacqui Stanford, Director and Principal Psychologist, Empower Rehab
Watch the recording of this webinar

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Thursday 25 June 2020, 7pm
Diagnosing and managing polymyalgia rheumatica
Presenter: Dr Daniel Boulos, Rheumatologist, Melbourne
Watch the recording of this webinar
We would like to thank Dr Daniel Boulos for kindly re-recording the webinar after a technical problem caused the original recording to be lost.

Scleroderma and Raynaud’s phenomenon

Tuesday 25 August 2020, 7pm
Understanding scleroderma and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Presenter: Dr Nava Ferdowsi, Rheumatologist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne
Watch the recording of this webinar

Staying on your feet

Wednesday 21 October 2020, 7pm
Staying strong and on your feet into older age
Presenter: Dr Frances Batchelor, Director, Clinical Gerontology Division at the National Ageing Research Institute and Director of Research in the Melbourne Ageing Research Collaboration (MARC)
Watch the recording of this webinar


Wednesday 25 November 2020, 7pm
Diagnosing and managing lupus
Presenter: A/Prof Alberta Hoi, Head of the Lupus Clinic, Monash Medical Centre; Chair, Australian Lupus Registry and Biobank
Book now for this free webinar

Please note: If you’re unsure if you’ll be able to view a webinar at the time of its screening, you can still register and you’ll receive a recording of the webinar within a week of its screening.

My life changed in October 2020. I went from being able to move freely – going for long walks – to the next day struggling to move one foot in front of the other. My body would seize up and I would be in constant pain. It took 12 months of tests to get a diagnosis and then the fun began researching my condition. Osteoarthritis has no cure; it is about medication and preventative maintenance to avoid further deterioration.

There wasn’t a lot of information for my specific condition, but my husband found a free webinar hosted by Musculoskeletal Australia on how to manage back pain. It was the help and support I needed to learn more and without them providing this wonderful free service I would still be navigating my way through understanding my condition.

musculoskeletal health australia

Musculoskeletal Health Australia (or MHA) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal conditions.

Useful Links

Copyright by Musculoskeletal Health Australia 2025. All rights reserved

ABN: 26 811 336 442ACN: 607 996 921