Leader Update Training
Leaders of warm water and/or chair-based exercise who undertook their initial leader training with Musculoskeletal Australia (previously Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria/MOVE muscle, bone & joint health), are required to undertake leader update training every two years.
For the first time, Musculoskeletal Australia will be providing the update training online. This online training is for all leaders due for an update in either 2021 or 2022. The training consists of viewing two short training videos and answering some related questions. If anyone wishes to discuss a particular aspect with our trainer an optional online discussion session will also be available in June and in October/November.
After you register and pay for the online update training, you will receive an email with further details and relevant links.
Please note: If you wish to register for more than three people (e.g. you may be registering for more than three people from your group or organisation), you cannot do this via the online booking but must provide their details and payment details via this form.
If you are an individual but prefer not to book online, download an application form and send it with payment to Musculoskeletal Australia.
Following successful completion of the online training course, leaders will be re-issued (within 2-3 weeks) with a leader update certificate valid for two years. Professional development points are also awarded by Physical Activity Australia for this course.
If you have any queries about any aspect of the above information, please email the staff at Musculoskeletal Australia via programs@msk.org.au or phone (03) 8531 8000 (toll free 1800 263 265).