Our lovely volunteer Lynne shares a family favourite with us. “Salmon parcels” the perfect way to incorporate the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids into your diet.

Salmon Parcels

Serves 2.

.       2 portions salmon
.       3 spring onions chopped
.       2 tsp capers (optional)
.       1 tbs soy sauce
.       1 tbs olive oil
.       1 tbs honey or marmalade
.       1 tbs water, white wine or lemon juice
.       1 lemon or lime thinly sliced
.       Roast Vegetables of your choice eg. potatoes, carrots, pumpkin or red capsicum
.       Green Vegetable of your choice eg. broccoli, beans, brussel sprouts, spinach or silver beet

1.      Combine soy sauce, oil, wine
2.      Place salmon on a sheet of baking paper
3.      Spread salmon with honey or marmalade
4.      Pour sauce over salmon
5.      Place lemon slices over salmon
6.      Sprinkle with spring onions/capers
7.      Wrap tightly
8.      Wrap in a second layer of paper
9.      Roast vegetables for 30 minutes
10.     Roast salmon for 20 minutes
11.     Serve with steamed greens.

.       Double recipe & freeze for up to 3 months
.       Substitute roast vegetables with noodles & salad

musculoskeletal health australia

Musculoskeletal Health Australia (or MHA) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal conditions.

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