
Grocery shopping and COVID-19

You know you’ve been in iso for a while when you actually look forward to doing the grocery shopping. It’s one of the few reasons you have to legitimately leave the house. However a trip to the store does increase your risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and there’s also the possibility of infecting others – in the event you have the virus (but don’t have symptoms). Also for those of us with musculoskeletal conditions, shopping can be a challenge at the best of times.

But we all need to eat, so here are some simple tips to help you navigate your shopping trip:

Don’t shop if you think you have COVID-19, or you’ve been in contact with someone who has it. This is absolutely essential. Call a family member, friend, neighbour or contact your store to find out about getting your items delivered.

Plan around your pain and fatigue and ask for help if you need it. When you’re having a really bad day, or going through a flare, you may not feel up to shopping. As much as you’d like to be able to do everything yourself, sometimes you just need to ask for help. There’s no shame in that, and the people who care about you will want to help. That said, if you need to go out, there are things you can do to make life a bit easier. Wear comfy shoes (including orthotics if you have/need them), grab your walking aid, your shopping list (a foggy brain makes remembering almost impossible) and your shopping buggy/bags. And be kind to yourself as you may feel tired and exhausted for hours/days after your trip. If your battery was already low before you tackled this, it’s may take some time to feel yourself again. Be prepared and have your slippers, doona, cuppa, etc ready so you can take time to recharge.

Only go to the store when you really need to – it’s not an outing. Remember you’re shopping for essentials. Now’s the time to be creative with your cooking and use alternatives if you can. Don’t have fresh ginger? Use dried. Out of mince for tacos? Use beans. Rummage around in the back of the pantry and use what you find.

Be quick and go alone (if you can). Ignore the “but mum!!!” – you’ll be quicker on your own and able to practise physical distancing more efficiently when you’re by yourself.

Write a list before you go. This’ll ensure you get all you need in one trip – and speed up your shopping.

Be prepared to use alternatives if your store is out of a product you need. Before you go to the store, search online for some of your key ingredients and potential substitutes. For example if they’re out of pasta, substitute with vegies like zucchini. No chickpeas? Use cannellini, kidney or black beans.

Once you get to the store, hygiene and physical distancing is key:

    • Use the sanitiser and disinfectant wipes that the shops provide – or use your own if you have it – on your hands and on the handles on your trolley/basket.
    • Keep a least 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
    • Don’t touch your face (this one really kills me – I always develop an itchy nose when I try not to touch my face) and keep your phone in your pocket or bag.

Don’t panic buy and hoard goods. We have no shortage of food or items like toilet paper in Australia. Sometimes things are a little harder to get hold of – and that’s due to people freaking out and buying more than they need – but things come back into stock fairly quickly these days. And if you’re prepared with your list of alternatives, you’re able to deal with some items not being available.

Be kind to others:

    • Your fellow shopper isn’t the enemy and is probably just as worried about everything as you. So be patient, give them space, and be tolerant.
    • The staff at the store also deserve our kindness and empathy – they’re busy trying to keep the shelves stocked and help us get in and out as quickly as possible.
    • Check in with your elderly, isolated or vulnerable neighbours to see if they need you to pick anything up for them.

Avoid busy times if you can.

Gloves and masks aren’t necessary…but if you want to use them, make sure you’re using them correctly.

Change the way you pay. If you have a contactless option for paying via your phone, watch or other device, or a contactless card, that’s the best option. But if you have to use cash or a card that requires you to touch a machine, that’s fine. Just wash or disinfect your hands afterwards. And until you’re able to do that, don’t touch your face.

Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home, and then unpack your shopping. You don’t need to disinfect your groceries. The WHO states that there’s no confirmed case of the virus being transferred via food or packaging.

Wash your fruit and vegetables with clean water – as you would have prior to the pandemic. Don’t use soap or any kind of disinfectant.

Clean your surfaces (bench, table) with soap and water after you’ve put your groceries away, and wash your hands again.

Take advantage of supermarket community hours or priority services, if you’re eligible.

Larger chain supermarkets like Coles, Woolworths and IGA are offering a range of options for those that can’t, or don’t want to leave their homes. If you’re a senior, living with a disability or compromised immunity you’re eligible for these services but you’ll need to log on to their website and register. If you can’t do this yourself, perhaps a neighbour or family member may be able to help (while practicing safe physical distancing of course!).

Your local independent supermarket, delis and smaller stores may also be offering delivery at this time. Contact them directly to find out more.

Contact our free national Help Line

Our nurses are available weekdays between 9am-5pm to take your calls (1800 263 265), emails ( or messages via Messenger. So if you have questions about things like COVID-19, your musculoskeletal condition, treatment options, telehealth, managing your pain or accessing services – contact them today.

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Updated July 2022

We’re halfway through 2022, and sadly, as much as we’d like it to be done and dusted, we’re still in the midst of the COVID pandemic. In fact, more people are getting sick than ever before because of these pesky variants. To make matters worse, we’re also in the middle of cold and flu season 😯.

We were so good at searching for and destroying germs at the beginning of the pandemic – we washed, scrubbed and sanitised like the legends we are. But with COVID barely being reported in the media, it’s easy to think we don’t need these measures anymore. And we may be getting a bit lax in our habits. Unfortunately, if your condition or meds have weakened your immune system, this increases your risk of getting infections.

So let’s revisit some key points about hygiene to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other nasties.

Washing your hands

We need to wash our hands with soap and water more frequently than we did before the pandemic. And we need to do it for at least 20 seconds. So no more splashing a bit of water around and considering the job done. Time yourself washing your hands a few times – 20 seconds is surprisingly long! A rough guide is the length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice 😊🎁.

You also need to be thorough – so use plenty of soap, lather up and wash your hands front and back, between your fingers, and under the nails. And don’t forget to dry them properly.

So when should you wash your hands? Well, there are the obvious times we should have been washing our hands before the virus appeared – so continue washing your hands:

  • after you go to the toilet
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing
  • after touching or being in contact with someone who’s sick
  • before and after you eat
  • when preparing food
  • when handling rubbish
  • when your hands are visibly dirty
  • when dealing with your pets or other animals (patting, feeding, dealing with their poo or litter trays).

Other times you should be washing your hands because of COVID-19:

  • after going out in public – for example, the shops, public transport, petrol station, chemist, workplace, childcare centre, healthcare setting etc. Basically, any place where you’re touching things that other people may have touched or breathed on.
  • before and after you unpack your groceries. Read our blog about grocery shopping for more info about how you can look after yourself and your family and still get the groceries you need.

Hand sanitisers

Remember when hand sanitiser was hard to find in 2020 😮😂? Now it’s everywhere and it’s a handy tool for combatting germs.

Hand sanitisers are really helpful when you don’t have access to soap and water, for example when you’re at the shops or using public transport. Just be sure your sanitiser contains at least 70% alcohol to be effective against COVID-19.

Compound Interest has a great article explaining how hand sanitisers protect against infections.

Avoid touching your face

We touch our faces a lot…more often than we actually realise. The problem is our faces include eyes, noses and mouths – perfect places for viruses and other germs to enter our bodies. So it’s important to avoid touching our faces, especially when we’re out in public or around other people.

Sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose

If you need to sneeze or cough (for whatever reason – allergy, virus, sun in your eyes), do it into your elbow or a tissue, not your hand. If you use a tissue, throw it in the bin. And regardless of whether you use your elbow or a tissue, wash your hands or use a hand sanitiser immediately.

If you’re blowing your nose, it’s best to use a tissue instead of a hanky. That way, you can throw it away, rather than carrying a dirty hanky in your pocket or bag, contaminating your hands every time you touch it.

Seriously – I’m exhausted just reading this!

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this, you’re not alone; I still can’t stop touching my face, and we’re years into this pandemic!

But we get it – when you have a condition that often has you waking up exhausted or fatigue that weighs you down throughout your day, you want to take shortcuts when you can, often with the ‘simple’ things. But because we’re living through a pandemic, we need to be vigilant regarding our hygiene (see above points) and do the best we can 😊.

Stay clean, stay (physically) distant and stay safe

The best thing we can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practise good hygiene (as we’ve listed here), continue physical distancing measures and follow the instructions of the health department (both Federal and your state/territory).

This will pass, but unfortunately, it’s taking longer than we expected (hoped). So stay strong and stay safe.

Contact our free national Help Line

Call our nurses if you have questions about managing your painmusculoskeletal condition, treatment options, mental health issues, COVID-19, telehealth, or accessing services. They’re available weekdays between 9am-5pm on 1800 263 265; email ( or via Messenger.

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Managing your weight in isolation

Hands up if you‘re giving Nigella or Jamie a run for their money when it comes to getting creative in the kitchen at the moment? Every second post on social media includes amazing looking recipes and we’ve actually got the time to give them a go. Masterchef has come back on TV, so we’re whipping on our aprons faster than you can say sauté. And with the kids home, we’re getting them involved too. All good right? Absolutely!

The problem is we need to be mindful of our weight with all the cooking, baking and snacking we’re doing.

It’s important for everyone – whether you have a musculoskeletal condition or not – to maintain a healthy weight.

Being at a healthy weight and regular exercise gives you the energy to get the most out of life and will protect you from developing many health conditions like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. It will also help you manage your musculoskeletal condition and chronic pain.

But with our usual routines disrupted because of COVID-19 and isolation it’s easy to fall into some bad habits. Being aware of this, and taking some simple steps to ensure they don’t become your new normal is important. So here are some tips to help you manage your weight while in iso:

  • Watch the snacks and grazing. Because we’re isolated to our homes, we’re only a few short steps from the fridge or pantry. And with all the cooking we’ve been doing, they’re full of all kinds of delicious things. So it’s really important to resist them. Stick to your set times for main meals, have healthy snacks such as fruit, yoghurt and nuts on hand for when you’re peckish, drink more water, go for a quick walk. Distract yourself from the contents of your fridge or pantry.
  • Which brings us to the next point – ask yourself honestly if you’re hungry or just bored? If you’re hungry, grab a healthy snack. If you’re bored, then do something. Read a book, go for a walk, talk with your family, clean the shower. Focus your attention elsewhere.
  • Be aware of your portion sizes, as it’s easy for them to slowly increase over time. Check out your plates and bowls – do they hold more than a normal sized serve? If so, consider using smaller dishes. Read this article from QLD Health for more info about portion sizes.
  • Track your eating. If you’re concerned that you’re eating more than usual, and you’re starting to gain weight, keep a food diary to help you track what you’re eating. You can use a simple notepad, or download an app. There are lots out there and many of them are free.
  • Alcohol – whoa mama. That’s a big one for many people at the moment. It’s fine to enjoy the occasional drink, but we do need to be careful that fear, anxiety, loneliness and worry aren’t leading us to drink more than is healthy. Find out more about alcohol – how it affects you, what a standard drink is, and tips to help you reduce or quit drinking alcohol.
  • Stay active. Eating a healthy diet, getting a good night’s sleep, and exercise all work together to help you manage your weight and your health overall. Read our recent blogs on exercising during the pandemic, and online exercises for more info about how you can exercise and stay active during isolation.
  • Talk with your doctor or a dietitian if you’re worried about your diet and weight, and want some professional help. You can do this in person, or via a telehealth consultation. Remember you can still go to see your doctor while in isolation – the clinic will have extra precautions in place to protect everyone from potential infections. But if you’re not comfortable doing this, telehealth is an option for us all.
  • Make your meals an occasion. We can’t go out but we can have fun with our meals and make them a social time for ourselves and our families. Just as much as watching our weight is important, so is social connection during this stressful time. Connect with the people living in your house, or use a video app to catch up with loved ones and make it an occasion. Dress up, chat, laugh, take some time to enjoy a meal together.
  • Don’t deny yourself something you really like. If you love chocolate, allow yourself a small treat occasionally, just not too often. It’s all about moderation.
  • Give yourself a break. We’re only a few weeks into iso – so we’re all having to tread water really quickly to stay afloat. But as time goes by we’ll get better at it. We just need to ensure our new routines are healthy and balanced.

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Exercise is vital to our health, even while we’re in iso. It helps us manage our pain, our musculoskeletal conditions, our weight (especially with all the cooking we’re suddenly doing) and our mental wellbeing.

But when you’re not able to go to your usual exercise classes, gym, sporting club or fitness centre – online videos and exercise apps seem like the answer. And with most of us in some form of isolation or quarantine, there’s been a proliferation of them being shared on social media and across the internet in general.

But they’re not all created equal. Some are purely videos to watch and follow, others are apps that provide more interaction and features. Some are free, while others require payment.

So before you pull on your leotard, buy a new thingamajig or sign up to that app, here are some things to think about:

  • What are the qualifications of the leader? Are they a qualified exercise professional – e.g. physiotherapist, exercise physiologist, fitness instructor? With many fitness and wellness centres closed because of COVID-19 many qualified instructors have moved online. This is great news (for us) as there’s only so much walking we can do. But there are also lots of well-meaning people with time on their hands posting exercise videos, as well as other people looking to make a quick buck. So make sure that the instructor is qualified to teach or lead exercise classes.
  • Are they catering to the general public or people with musculoskeletal conditions? Many general exercise videos or apps will be useful for all of us – musculoskeletal condition or not – especially if they’re gentle. But there are some exercises that may actually be harmful to you. And some that you shouldn’t try without a proper assessment from a qualified instructor as well as guidance to ensure you’re actually doing the exercise properly. To misquote the tagline from Alien – “in your lounge room, no one can hear you scream”…except for the other people in your household, your pets and the neighbours (the walls are thinner than you think!). The point is it can be very easy to hurt yourself if you’re not shown how to do some exercises correctly and safely, particularly if you have a musculoskeletal condition or another health issue.
  • Which leads to our next point – can you ask questions or get more info from the instructor? If you can, it gives you the ability to ask if they’ve instructed other people with your condition, make sure the exercises are safe for you to do, and get advice if you’re not quite sure you’re doing things correctly. If you can’t interact with them in any way, maybe look for another online exercise class/video/app.
  • What’s the cost? Is it free, or is there a fee? Or can you access a free basic version, and another version with additional features which you need to pay for? Is there a free trial period so you can make sure you actually like it? And if you do have to sign-up for anything, make sure you read all the fine print so you know exactly what you’re agreeing to.
  • Does your equipment support the tech? If you’re downloading an app, can your desktop, tablet, phone, watch etc handle it? Do you need to download additional software to use it? Are you prepared and/or able to do that?
  • Are you set up for it? Is your computer in a location that allows you room to exercise? If you only have a smartphone or tablet, can you view the exercise videos clearly? Is your internet able to cope with any downloads or streaming? If the answer to any of these is no, maybe look at alternatives formats such as DVDs. And with DVDs ask yourself all of these questions as well. There are a lot of good exercise DVDs and a lot of variety as far as types of exercise, but there are also a lot of dodgy ones. So take time to evaluate them carefully.
  • Is the exercise something you enjoy doing? If you don’t enjoy doing it, you’re unlikely to continue to do it. So find something that you find fun, engaging, challenging and enjoyable.
  • Can you set goals for yourself? Exercise needs to challenge you so you continue to get the health benefits. If it’s too easy, or doesn’t progress over time, you won’t see any improvements. Setting yourself SMART goals – Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed – can help with this. Find out how you can create SMART goals.

There are a lot of things you can do to remain active during this pandemic and stay safe. Check out our blog about exercising during the pandemic. It has a range of different things you can do to stay active while isolated.

For more information, visit our website or call our MSK Help line weekdays on 1800 263 265. Or email

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If you’re immunosuppressed and feeling really vulnerable, no one can blame you. This is a scary time for us all; having a condition or taking medication that makes you more at risk of getting ill from any contagion or infection adds another level to this. So how do we protect ourselves when we’re out? There’s a lot of information/misinformation about wearing masks, gloves and DIY hand sanitiser (cos no one can get their hands on the real thing).

This blog, and our one on gloves and DIY hand sanitisers, gives you evidence-informed advice on the good, the bad and the ugly on using these protective measures.

To wear or not to wear, that is the question

Last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in America recommended that Americans should wear “non-medical, cloth masks” to help prevent the spread of the virus. Up until this change they were like the Australian Government and World Health Organization and recommended that only those with COVID-19 symptoms should wear masks.

So why the change?

One of the key issues is that a significant number of people have COVID-19 but don’t know they have it. They’re what’s called asymptomatic – meaning they have no symptoms. But even though they may not look or feel unwell, they can spread the virus. The use of masks is to prevent the spread of the virus from those who are asymptomatic to the rest of the population. It’s hoped that by wearing a mask any droplets breathed, coughed or sneezed out by people remain inside their mask, and not falling on surfaces that other people will touch.

In Australia, we’re still being advised to only wear a mask if we have COVID-19 or care for someone who does. But the problem is, if you’re asymptomatic you don’t know you have it. And because we’re only testing people who have symptoms and fit certain criteria, how would you ever know if you’re asymptomatic? Gah!! So what do we do?

As with everything COVID-19 related there’s no simple answer, so we need to consider several factors to make our own, informed decisions:

  • There’s a worldwide shortage of masks. The medical grade masks should be reserved for healthcare workers, those who are on our frontline as far as COVID-19 goes.
  • If we practise physical distancing as we’ve been advised to and we practise good hygiene then we shouldn’t need to wear masks, or if we do, only for short periods of time if we’re in a crowded indoor venue.
  • Some experts say that due to the population density in Australia, we have fewer problems with crowds at supermarkets and other essential places than do more populated countries. That is, we’re more able to keep the necessary space between ourselves and others, especially now that these centres have introduced strict physical distancing measures.
  • We just don’t know how to wear them properly. Most of us have never had to wear masks regularly so we don’t know how to secure them properly, remove them without contaminating ourselves, how long to wear them etc. So if you’re going to wear a mask – whether it’s a disposable mask, or you’re making your own, it’s really important that you know how to wear and care for them. For example: if it’s a disposable mask, you need to throw it away after every use. Do not put it in your pocket or bag to use again. It needs to be thrown away. And if you’re using a cloth mask, wash it after every use. Again, do not put it in your pocket or bag. Wash it before reusing it. The WHO has lots of information on when and how to use masks – including how to put them on and take them off without contaminating them or yourself.
  • Don’t let wearing a mask give you a false sense of security. The evidence is clear that the best things we can do to prevent the spread of the virus is to wash our hands with soap and water thoroughly and frequently, use alcohol based hand sanitiser when there’s no access to soap and water, avoid touching our face, sneeze or cough into our elbow and continue to practise physical distancing. Masks may provide some level of protection – depending on what they’re made of, how porous the fabric is, how well you use them – for when you absolutely have to go out in public, but they aren’t a magical, virus-repelling shield (though how cool would that be?)
  • There are many websites, including the CDC, that have instructions and videos for making your own face masks. This New York Times article has some really good information about home-made masks, including the fact that not all fabrics are created equal when it comes to making masks.

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Gloves | DIY hand sanitisers

Gloves and COVID-19

Along with masks, we’re now seeing lots of people wearing gloves when they’re out in public. Masks I understand, gloves I have more concerns about.

One of the main reasons is cross-contamination.

I’ve seen countless people in public wearing plastic gloves selecting fruit and vegies, picking and choosing what they want, putting back what they don’t and then putting their hands back on their shopping trolley, reaching into their bags for their phone or wallet, putting their phone up to their ear, all without removing or changing gloves. Basically they may as well have no gloves on at all.

By now you’ve probably seen the video circulating widely of an American nurse demonstrating how fast germs can spread even if you’re wearing gloves. She uses green paint to represent germs and pretends she’s at a supermarket. Pretty soon her nose, cheek, phone and wrists have green paint on them. If you haven’t seen this video, it’s worth viewing.

Gloves may make us feel protected, but if we don’t use them correctly – as highlighted in this video – they’re no use at all. In fact they may give us a false sense of security.

It’s understandable to feel anxious as we try to find ways to protect ourselves and our families from COVID-19. It began with panic buying and the run on toilet paper, hand sanitisers, pasta, masks and now gloves. And like panic buying, the more people you see wearing gloves and masks, the more you start to think you should too.

But do gloves provide any extra protection?

The quick answer is no. Washing your hands thoroughly and regularly using soap and water provides more protection against catching COVID-19 than wearing gloves. If you don’t have access to soap and water, then hand sanitisers are your next best option.

The disposable gloves we have access to (if you can find any at the moment) aren’t intended to be used for long periods of time. They’re designed for single use, for short periods of time. Because of this, they’re flimsy and can rip easily. They can also develop tiny little holes that you don’t notice – but are big enough for a virus and many of his closest friends to slip through.

Gloves are hard to find, so the temptation is to wear them more than once. But because they’re disposable they’re not designed to be washed and reused. Reusing them can lead to them becoming more damaged. And remember, this damage may be so small you don’t see it, but it’s enough to mean they’re not protecting you at all.

Good news is that many stores and shopping centres are now providing hand sanitiser stations. You can apply it when you enter and when you leave, and other times when needed. So when you have to go out for essentials, the best thing you can do is:

  • wash your hands before you leave and when you get home
  • avoid touching your face at all times
  • avoid unnecessarily touching things (which I know I’m always doing subconsciously…but not now)
  • avoid touching your phone
  • clean your groceries when you get home
  • take advantage of hand sanitiser stations at the shops
  • stay calm, we’re all in this together.

Finally – if wearing gloves when you’re out in public makes you feel less anxious, then that’s important. Anything that makes us feel calm and in control is essential in these crazy times. It’s just important that you’re aware that gloves aren’t infallible, that they have lots of issues associated with them, and that you know how to use them correctly. In the More to explore section below we’ve provided a link to a video that shows you how to correctly put gloves on and take them off.

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Hand sanitisers

OK, so gloves aren’t great.

But it’s hard (almost impossible) to find hand sanitisers. So what about making your own? There’s been a proliferation of websites, social media posts and conversations over the back fence about how to make your own hand sanitiser. All you need is vodka, right?

Ahhh, that’d be a big NO. For hand sanitiser to be effective against COVID-19 it needs to be at least 70% alcohol. Vodka is typically 80 proof, which means it’s only 40 percent alcohol*. So save your vodka for a Saturday night cocktail.

Making products like hand sanitiser also requires an understanding of chemistry. Remember that high school subject many of us barely passed?? You’d also need the right equipment to ensure your measurements are exact, so the sanitiser is made safely and effectively. If you had all of that, you still need to be able to buy the ingredients. Like many things at the moment, they’re harder to access because everyone – from distilleries to the person down the street – is trying to make hand sanitiser. So when it comes down to it, hand sanitiser isn’t something you can or should try to whip up at home. There are reasons companies spend lots of time, research and resources making their hand sanitisers. It’s not so simple.

Hand sanitisers also contain ingredients that protect our skin from drying out. When your skin is dry from frequent hand washing and from using harsh chemicals, it can become damaged. Germs can get in through cuts and abrasions. This includes COVID-19, but also bacteria and other microbes that can lead to nasty infections and pain. Some hand sanitiser recipes do include ingredients such as aloe vera to combat this, however it can dilute the alcohol concentration, making the sanitiser ineffective. Read this article by Choice for more info: What you should know before making your own hand sanitiser.

So where does this leave us?

Unfortunately there’s no quick fix. Hand sanitiser isn’t something we should try to make at home. And with commercial hand sanitiser so hard to find, we’re left with good old hand washing. Frequently and thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds, singing your favourite song. And physical distancing. It’s frustrating, because we like to be doing things to make our lives and world better. But during this pandemic, the doing thing that we know works, is doing nothing*. (*except exercising, staying at home with your family, reading, singing, dancing, having fun, working, cooking, creating, staying safe, watching movies, catching up on home jobs, gardening, jigsaws…read our blog about things to do while in iso.)


*Will vodka work? What you need to know about using hand sanitiser against coronavirus
Science Alert, 15 March 2020

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Cast your mind back just a few short months when the thought of hanging out at home with no obligations would’ve been a wonderful dream. Relaxing, feet up on the couch, a cheeky afternoon nap…ah, the serenity. Now that we have to stay at home, we’re all finding it a little harder than we thought it would be to stay sane and entertained.

So our team have come up with a bunch of things you can do at home this Easter long weekend, and into the coming months. Apologies (sorry, not sorry) this is another long one!

Play – with your kids, pets, partner. Now’s the perfect time to let your inner child loose, play and have fun! Rediscover chasey (the dogs love that one), play hide and seek, build a blanket fort in your lounge, play footy in the backyard, play SH Health’s Easter Bingo, take part in the wheely bin challenge. 

Learn – about the world, a new skill, language, art, culture, history, society. There are so many organisations providing online learning courses, and many of them are free. Just search online using your favourite search engine, and explore what’s available. Also check out Laneway Learning, MOOCs (massive open online courses), TAFEs and colleges, community houses. You’ll come out of this pandemic with so much knowledge you’ll wow everyone at your next trivia night ?.

Read – OK complete disclosure here – I’m a librarian, so I love reading and want everyone to enjoy reading too. Now is a great time to read that book you’ve always wanted to, or the one your friends have been going on about. You can read so many books online, or you can you can listen to audio books. Some are free, others you’ll have to pay for. Or go through the pile of books and magazines you have at home. Reread your favourites, share them with your family, create a bookclub and discuss what you loved. And don’t forget to check out your local library to access eBooks and audio books.

Travel – one of our MSK Kids families is travelling the world by having different themed dinners and dressing up. So far they’ve been to India, Malaysia, USA, Thailand. You can travel online and visit cultural and historical collections around the world, zoos and galleries, explore travel blogs, watch documentaries. It’s amazing how much of the world you can experience from home.

Worship – we’re entering an important period of celebration and significance for many faiths. But we can’t gather at our churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship with our family and friends. The good news is that a lot of them are going online. Contact your place of worship or search online to see what events are being streamed and when. Gather with your extended family and friends virtually after worship to celebrate together. It’s going to be different, and it’ll be challenging for many of us, but we can still celebrate the things that are important to us.

Create – draw, sing, paint, write, dance. Take a tip from The Sound of Music and put on a concert or puppet show. All you need to start is an idea. Then go online to see what you need (if anything) and how to move your creation forward. And don’t forget to check out Pinterest. Wow, that’s an amazing rabbit hole you’ll fall into for hours!

Donate – blood, plasma, goods, money…whatever you have to offer. As far blood and plasma go Australian Red Cross Lifeblood is still open and are a VERY essential service. So if you’ve never donated blood and/or plasma, and you’re healthy and well, they could really use yours right now. And if it’s been a while since you’ve donated, it’s time to head back there. Check out their website for more info to see if you’re eligible.

Play some more
– do a jigsaw, create a Lego masterpiece, play board games. You can do many of these things online or using an app, or brush off the games you have at the top of the cupboard in your spare room. Challenge your friends to online games like Words with Friends (if you’re a nanna like me) or some very cool multiplayer games like Fortnite. Stay connected with your friends or meet new people online and have a great time!

Connect – call your parents, your aunt, your brother, your friend from high school. Or reach out via social media. Everyone’s isolated so let’s lessen that by staying connected with the people we love, and reconnect with those we’ve lost track of.

Organise – your cupboards, garage, the weird space under the house, your finances. Wherever you have mess or chaos, what better time than now to get these things in order?

Clean – on a similar note, clean. Clean out the old things you don’t need, want or use, Save them for when you can go to the op shop and donate them. Or prepare your online ads for when you can go back to selling online*. And once you’ve sorted through this stuff, physically clean your space. Give everything a good dose of elbow grease.
*Note – we’re working under the assumption that selling your goods is not an essential reason for leaving your home (e.g. to post something or for someone to visit your house to collect something.

Camp –it’s a much loved tradition in Australia for the Easter long weekend. You can still do it, just camp in your backyard or in the lounge.

Review – your insurance, your Will, finances, energy providers and telecommunications providers. Not nearly as much fun as camping but it’s important, and we never seem to have time for this kind of stuff. Until now.

Cook – we have endless online resources to help us create the perfect meal, try a new recipe, bake a cake or make chocolate crackles. Get the kids involved, make a delicious mess and have fun!

Listen – to each other, audio books, podcasts, music. Take time to really immerse yourself in whatever it is you’re listening to.

Write – a book, blog, journal, your family history. Whatever takes your fancy. Sit in front of the computer or grab a notepad and pen (or quill if you’re feeling fancy) and just get it all out. I find the best way to get started is to just do it…throw words down, have a brain dump, then reread it and edit after you’ve written something. Don’t tie yourself up in knots reading as you’re writing. You can edit when you take a break from the creative process.

Research – your family history, a place for your next holiday, info about your health condition, life, the universe and everything. By now you may have guessed that there are a lot of resources online. Try the state and national libraries, archives, commercial ancestry websites, travels sites, our website, museum websites. There’s so much information out there. The world really is your oyster when you have the time and inclination to do some online searching and exploring.

Garden – create a new garden, resurrect an old one, plant some pots, mow the lawn. Whatever you enjoy and gets you outside and into the fresh air. Then sit back and admire your handiwork. It’s such a satisfying feeling!

Meditate – with all the online stuff we’ve been suggesting, as well as all the noise of the constant media, work, school and everyone living in tight quarters at home, it can be overwhelming, exhausting and LOUD! So take some time out to be quiet. Why not try some mindfulness meditation? Or just sit quietly in your yard? Get the rest of the household involved, and make it a part of your new routine. Your mental health will thank you for these moments of stillness and reflection.

Exercise – well der. Clearly that’s a no-brainer, but it has to be included in our list. And exercise is one of the magical reasons you’re allowed to leave your home at the moment. But it does have to be in compliance with the restrictions in place in Australia, and any further restrictions in your state or territory.

Volunteer – there are many charities, community groups, schools and other organisations that depend on volunteers. And a lot of their volunteer work can be done from home. Check out what’s available by visiting the Volunteering Australia website, or contacting your school, sporting clubs and other local groups.

With all that we’ve offered here, and really it’s just the tip of the iceberg, we hope we’ve inspired you with some interesting, fun, challenging, thought-provoking things to do while in iso.

Have fun, stay safe, stay home and take care of each other.


Does anyone else feel like things are going slightly pear shaped at the moment? The COVID-19 pandemic has really thrown us for a spectacular loop.

It’s understandable that a lot of us are feeling anxious, worried and scared – it’s a pandemic for goodness sake, it’s normal for us to be feeling this way. However some people are taking it to the extreme and stockpiling loo paper, food, soap and now medications.

While it’s important to ensure you have your prescription/s filled, and that you have enough of the usual over-the-counter medications you would normally have headaches, sore throats etc, there’s no need for us to lose our minds and go overboard.

Stockpiling – it’s just not necessary

Panic buying has led to certain medications – both prescription and over-the-counter – having limits placed on them to ensure that we don’t run out. Common medications such as paracetamol, asthma puffers, insulin and EpiPens are now restricted

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which is responsible for regulating the import, supply and manufacture of therapeutic goods in Australia, have stated that “as of 6 March 2020, the TGA has not received any notifications of medicine shortages in Australia that are a direct result of COVID-19. Therefore, while it may be appropriate for individuals to ensure that they have at least two weeks supply of prescription medicines in the unlikely event they are quarantined, any stockpiling of medicines is unnecessary.”

So please everyone, breathe. Make sure you have what you need, but don’t take more than that. There’s just no need for it. Let’s all take a deep breath and remember we’re all in this together.

The problem with hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)

Unfortunately, there’s one medication we know has become difficult to access in Australia. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) is used by people with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. There’s been a rush to access this prescription-only medication after US President Trump mentioned that it was a “game changer” in the treatment of COVID-19.

Sadly, there have been reports from overseas that people taking these medications, to treat/prevent COVID-19, have become seriously ill. One man has died.

Thankfully on 24 March, the TGA announced that they were placing new restrictions where “only certain types of specialists will be able to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to new patients”. This is great news as it will help to ensure hydroxychloroquine is available for people with musculoskeletal conditions who need it to keep their symptoms under control.

And then there was ibuprofen

Common brands include Nurofen, Advil, Celebrex, Naprosyn and Voltaren.

There’s been quite a bit of confusion about the anti-inflammatory medication ibuprofen, which is used by many people with musculoskeletal conditions.

Initially the World Health Organization (WHO), stated that ibuprofen could make some symptoms of COVID-19 worse. This was based on a study published in The Lancet. But that’s been debunked

The WHO had to do a backflip stating that “based on currently available information, WHO does not recommend against the use of ibuprofen…we are consulting with physicians treating [COVID-19 patients] and are not aware of reports of any negative effects, beyond the usual ones that limit its use in certain populations”.

In Australia the TGA has stated that “there is currently no published peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support a direct link between use of ibuprofen and more severe infection with COVID-19. We will continue to monitor this issue”.

So at this stage, if you’re currently taking ibuprofen, or another NSAID, as prescribed by your doctor, don’t stop taking it without discussing with your doctor.

What if you can’t get out to get your medications?

If you’re self-isolating, sick or just can’t get out to get your medications, there are options for you.

  • Call your family, friends, neighbours. If they’re able to get to the pharmacy for you, that’s great. Remember to keep your distance – practise physical distancing (for example, arrange to leave your prescription, list, money etc in a certain place so they can pick it up without having direct contact with you). Wash your hands thoroughly before you handle the items you are leaving to be picked up, and after you handle the items that have been delivered.
  • Many pharmacies offer home delivery – so be sure to give them a call too.
  • As part of the National Health Plan, telehealth can now be bulk-billed and Electronic Prescribing is being fast-tracked. There are options immediately available to support telehealth services so you can get medicine sent directly to you at home.

Please stay calm

I know this is easier said than done, but pharmacies are an essential service, and remain open after many other (non-essential) businesses were required to close on 23 March 2020. So you can still access your local pharmacist – in person, over the phone, via a family member/friend or through other technology – and get the information, medication and support you need.

And while there is a lot of confusion in our community about so many things at the moment, the government, at all levels, is trying to keep us safe and healthy, but these are extraordinary times. So we need to remain calm, work together and stay kind. We will get through this.

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Update – April 2020. This blog has been updated in line with the new restrictions on gatherings and physical distancing.

Ok, so the title dates me…I’m a child of the 80s. Olivia Newton-John was a leg-warmer wearing goddess to many.

During this crazy, unbelievable, unprecedented COVID-19 (coronavirus) time it’s important that we embrace the practice of physical distancing, also called social distancing (your choice whether to do this wearing leg warmers, but please, please, please just do it).

It’s the best option we have for slowing the spread of COVID-19 so that we protect the most vulnerable in our community (our older people, people with suppressed immune systems, people with chronic conditions, pregnant women and people with pre-existing health conditions). Obviously, this list includes many of us, so physical distance is important for protecting our own health and wellbeing, as well as the broader community.

Physical distancing also helps us to flatten the curve. You may have heard this term reported in the media and thought – “huh?? What does that have to do with me?”.  In basic terms when we practice physical distancing we reduce the risk of passing on, or catching the virus and we’re helping to spread out the number of people becoming infected over a longer period of time. By spreading it out, our health system is more equipped to handle the numbers and not become overwhelmed, which would be the case if we all got sick tomorrow.

And it’s not just us – many of our wonderful healthcare workers will inevitably get sick too. Which will affect the ability of the health system to keep up with the demand. So spreading this out over a longer period of time makes a lot of sense. Read more about flattening the curve here. 

Now more than ever it’s important we stay in contact with the people we care about

Personally, I like the term physical distancing. It’s seems to me to be less isolating and now more than ever it’s important we maintain our social connections (just not physically in the same space). By maintaining our physical distance we can still chat and stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues – using technologies like Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, emails, as well as going old school and actually calling someone (insert gasp here) and even send letters (both WHO and CDC have confirmed that you can’t catch the virus through your mail).

So what do you need to know about physical distancing?

Stay informed. This is really important. Misinformation leads normally rational people to buy more toilet paper they can use in a lifetime, causing shortages for others. It leads to fear, anxiety, confusion and anger. So stay informed with accurate, up-to-date information. Go to our website, we have a dedicated section with up-to-date, reliable and practical information on COVID-19.

Maintain your physical distance. But be careful with the pinwheeling arms (if you’re not a child of the 80s look it up). I saw someone doing that today to emphasise that she had enough space around her and she almost took her husband’s eye out (clearly he wasn’t keeping the recommended physical distance).

We’re advised to maintain at least 1.5 metres between ourselves and others. As a guide if you stretch your arms out to your sides (horizontal with the floor) and imagine this amount of space goes all the way around you. Now imagine everyone you come in contact with has the same amount of space around them. This is how much distance you need to keep between yourself and others.

Stay home. We’ve now entered a period that requires us to stay at home as much as possible. The 1.5 metre space around you is a guide for when you HAVE to go out. We’re being advised to only go out when absolutely necessary – when we need to go to the supermarket or chemist for supplies. If you do have to go out, try to avoid crowds and touching too many surfaces.

Now’s the time to embrace your inner introvert! Think about all the times you said you’d like to do X if only you had the time. Well now’s the time! Learn that language, write that book, do something with all your holiday photos, clean the clutter from your cupboard/house/garage, virtually travel the world, live stream the zoo, tune in to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra online. You’re not only doing something you’ve always wanted to do, but you’re helping to flatten the COVID-19 curve.

Public gatherings. On 29 March the Federal Government brought in restrictions to limit most indoor and outdoor non-essential gathering to 2 people. Places where more than 2 people may gather as they’re considered to be essential are: workplaces (if you can’t work from home), health care settings, pharmacies, food shopping, schools and universities (if you can’t study from home) and public transport. You need to maintain physical distance (i.e 1.5 metres between each person) during this time. Unfortunately many of our favourite places to gather are not considered essential at this time. This includes: libraries, cafes, galleries, movie theatres, markets and places of worship. But this won’t last forever – and just think how much more we’ll enjoy them when we get to go back?? Find out more about these restrictions: Limits on public gatherings for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Look after yourself. While you might be tempted to go full out couch-potato, you need to stay active, eat healthy foods and watch your weight, get plenty of sleep, wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, and generally look after yourself. Also go easy on the alcohol. These things will all help your immune system, and help you feel the best you can. And if you do become sick – whether it’s with COVID-19, a cold or some other illness, you’ll do better if you’ve been looking after your health.

Check in with others. There are many people on their own who may become isolated during this time. Call them. If you don’t know them (for example an elderly neighbour) leave them a note with your phone number and let them know you can help them out if they need groceries or other supplies. Also some people may just need to hear another voice and know someone is looking out for them.

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Didn’t think we’d ever be writing those words!

Update – 28 April 2020. This blog has been updated in line with the new restrictions on gatherings and physical distancing, and to include a video from Dr Adam Castricum Sport and Exercise Physician on the importance of being physically active during isolation.

COVID-19 has had a massive impact on our worlds – our health, travel, work, finances, schooling, family life, and all the little freedoms we once took for granted. Isolation has seen our physical world become much smaller.

While we struggle with all of these things, an important area when it comes to our health that many of us are finding difficult to wrap our heads and bodies around is getting enough exercise.

If you live with a musculoskeletal condition like arthritis, back pain or osteoporosis you know how important exercise and being active is. It helps us manage our condition, our pain, our weight, and our mental health. It also helps us sleep better and gives us the opportunity to socialise with others.

However not being able to attend our classes, fitness centres and sporting clubs means we need to look at alternative ways to exercise.

Here’s a few ideas to help you stay active during the pandemic:

  • Schedule time for it. Our lives have turned upside down, so having a regular routine, including time for exercise is really important, for both our physical health, but also our mental health and wellbeing.
  • Exercise with others. Grab your family and go for a bike ride, walk around the park, shoot hoops in the driveway, play leapfrog on the lawn. Or connect with friends via video apps and exercise together. Along with having a regular time for exercise, having an exercise buddy – whether in person or online – will help keep you motivated and accountable.
  • Get outside and go for a walk, jog or run. It’s still a great way to stay active. If you’re doing it with a friend, make sure you’re abiding by the latest restrictions regarding gatherings and physical distancing. And don’t forget – COVID-19 doesn’t spread to our dogs, so take them for a walk. They’ll love it! And avoid walking, jogging or running in busy areas, or during busy times.
  • Use an old fashioned DVD and exercise in front of your TV. Or stream an exercise program online. Or use an exercise app. There are so many to choose from. Just make sure that the exercises are performed by people who know what they’re doing.
  • Dance around the house. Get the blood pumping with some of your favourite, high energy music, and shake it off!
  • Walk/run/skip around your home and yard – use the space you have available. At the beginning of the Chinese lockdown there was news of a man who ran a marathon in his own apartment! While you don’t have to go to that extreme, it highlights that you can do all kinds of things in small spaces if you’re a little creative.
  • If you have a WII Fit, or any of the electronic karaoke/guitar/music games that plug into your TV, set it up and go for it. Sing, dance and game to your hearts content. If you don’t have any of the electronics, just do some air guitar or air drumming. We’ve all done it, and it’s so much fun.
  • Get creative! One of our families has told us about how they’re blowing up balloons and using them as balls. For example, keeping them off the ground while they sit on opposite sides of the table, hitting balloons with fly swats and other improvised rackets for a game of tennis. We can be very creative when we need to be – let your inner exercise guru loose!
  • Use what you have around the house. You may already have exercise balls/bands and weights to use, or you can improvise with cans of soup for weights, steps ups on your stairs etc.
  • Incorporate incidental exercise. Check out our blog on how the little bits and pieces you do over the course of your day – for example cleaning, talking on the phone – can be made more active and really add up.
  • Go for a ride. Use an indoor stationary bike, or hit the streets or park on your bicycle.
  • Consider hiring or buying (new or second hand) exercise equipment such as a treadmill, exercise bike or cross-trainer. You can use the equipment to add variety to your exercise program, and it’ll also come in handy for those days it’s too wet or cold to venture outdoors.

There are lots of things you can do to remain active during this pandemic, and stay safe. These are just some of them. For more information, visit our website or call our MSK Help line weekdays on 1800 263 265. Or email

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Musculoskeletal Health Australia (or MHA) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal conditions.

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