Working with a musculoskeletal condition can be a real struggle. Some people find that no matter how many accommodations or adjustments they make in their job, they can no longer perform their work duties to the required level. Or the job has become too taxing on their body, causing constant pain, fatigue and stress.
This can be a devastating blow, especially if it’s a job that you love. It can also be an extremely scary time as you contemplate a new future, with a different job.
The good news is that there are resources and organisations to help you through this process.
Job Outlook is a great website and a good place to start when contemplating your next career move. It has a range of very helpful tools including:
JobAccess is the Australian Government’s one-stop shop for information and resources for people with disability, employers and service providers. The section for people with a disability has a wealth of resources, especially on the Available Support page including:
Australian Job Search is Australia’s largest free online jobs website. Lots of useful info and resources for job seekers.
Job Jumpstart provides articles and tools to help you find jobs that suit your interests. Information is tailored to your stage of life:
The Australian Government, Department of Education, Skills and Employment, provides information and support to help you with training and learning new skills.
My Skills is the national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses. It provides info on:
You can also get professional help making decisions about your career choice by talking to a careers counsellor. They provide information, advice and guidance to help you make realistic choices about work, including further training or upskilling. They can help you identify jobs that match your skills and interests, create a resume, provide info on where to look for jobs and more.
Visit Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) to find a private career counsellor who can help you work out your best career options. Note – these services aren’t free. The CDAA advises that ‘all members are in business, they charge a fee for the services they provide. You are encouraged to contact 2-3 members and discuss your needs to make an informed decision about who could help you best.’
If you have questions about managing your pain, your musculoskeletal condition, treatment options, mental health issues, COVID-19, telehealth, or accessing services be sure to call our nurses. They’re available weekdays between 9am-5pm on 1800 263 265; email ( or via Messenger.
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