Vision Council will value the role of older people and seek to provide opportunities for active participation in a broad range of community activities
Action Identify, recommend and promote opportunities for older residents to maximise their quality of life in the City of Warrnambool.
A vision has been developed to guide Indigo Shire in its focus on ageing well over the next four years. It reflects Council’s strong commitment to supporting all Indigo Shire residents to live and age well within the community.
Our vision is:
‘Indigo Shire residents are connected and engaged with the community as they grow older; age is no barrier to inclusive, respectful and accessible participation.’
View the Indigo Ageing Well Strategy 2019-2023.
The strategy’s vision is a world in which everyone can live a long and healthy life. This world will be a place where functional ability is fostered across the life course and where older people experience equal rights and opportunities and can live lives free from age-based discrimination.
View the WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health.